Today's tasks

We went for a walk to get a toothbrush (got one of the ones that play songs while you brush via vibration — it's actually really neat), and were going to pick up chicken for fajitas but while we were in the fresh meat aisle Nefarious told me that the tilapia tacos were so good that she wanted those again, so that's what we did and it was quite successfully and quickly downed.

She painted her room sign as well. It's not quite done yet but you can see how it's turning out… It's kind of strange looking, but at the same time, really cool. There are some cheap 3d scanners out there that I could do wonders with but they're still out of my price range — if anyone reading this happens to have one and feels like letting me come and scan my face I'd be thrilled.

Finally, since people ask me all the time what the carving unit is, it's a CarveWright unit and so far I'm totally sold on it, even though it's pretty simple and has some limitations in what it can do… I definitely recommend it so far.

That's a picture of it in action, making my first attempt at a picture frame (about half way done that panel). Anyway… powering down the computer for the day now.
Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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