Whew! I am soooo tired! I literally walked about 10km today. It's amazing that I just had that big leg surgery less than two weeks ago. The biopsy put me out of commission solidly for a month. This surgery? A couple of days. That said, the problem with it healing so quickly is now the allodynia is back, and back fairly intensely, but I have an appointment on Wednesday to get myself started on gabapentin in the hopes that will control the pain, and to get a referral to a pain specialist. On Friday I'm off to the fracture clinic as well for a check-up. I guess it'll just be to take out the staples and so on.
All-in-all my healing from this procedure has been exceptional and I'm very happy with everything except for the nerve damage complications from the biopsy, but that's old news.
An assortment of things I've cooked in the last 36 hours:

We went to the CN tower today, which is why I walked so far. Not having a functional car at present is probably a lot of the reason I'm healing so well — all the light exercise!

And now, off to bed. Seriously!
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