So I picked up some fish tonight and was going to try and do a knockoff of the fish tacos at one of the beachfront restaurants in La Paz where Nefarious and I and everyone else used to live in Mexico, but I discovered that somehow all of my Magi sauce (I think that's their key “secret ingredient”) has gone missing, which sucks, because I don't think I've even used it once. I don't know really know how that's possible. So I faked it with a mix of soy sauce, cranberry juice, lime, garlic, dry sweet pepper, and chipotle pepper… It still turned out very nicely but it wasn't what I was hoping for.

Anyway, in the great news department, the traction belts for my carving tool came in the mail today, so depending on how much time I have tomorrow, I'm going to install them and do my first picture frames tomorrow (I just spent a while drawing prototypes in the CAD/CAM software), first for a painting that I did for my brother's birthday that's desperately in need of delivery since his birthday was back in April.
My neighbors are blasting their stupid dance music again, as they have for the past five hours now. I am going to try and sleep but I have a really low tolerance for irritation… Especially when I'm missing sauces.
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