Hmm… Let me try and remember what this is. I think the marinated part (which sat for about an hour) is cubed chicken, juice of one fresh lime, some lemon juice, some seaweed, fresh chopped garlic and ginger, some chili, some dried sweet pepper, red onion, sea salt, red peppercorn, chives, and some leftover soya-peanut sauce I had, and then topped off with a little blueberry juice. It's cooked with some shitake mushrooms, fresh sunflower sprouts (yay for Caitlin working at a sprout place part time and bringing me bags of the stuff), and broccoli, over a microwave spanish and lentil rice that was definitely the weak point of the dish. The chicken was a little overcooked because it took longer to reduce everything than I expected, but the sauce was really amazing…

Oh yeah, and I got this kind of funmail comment to ModBlog. I don't print this kind of stuff when it's posted, especially from anonymous email accounts, because I don't want to get sued (true or not) — but I thought it was funny because it could be about, oh, about a zillion different tattoo artists…
******* **** is a a dirty, womanizing, immoral fuck who travels from shop to shop in search of new and intersting women to piss off. ******* **** has no work ethic. He will attempt to stick his pathetic little penis in everything that squats to pee that happens to cross his path. ******* **** is a mannerless slob and the river of lies that flows from his mouth is endless. ******* **** will ruin your shops reputation just by being his worthless self. I feel sorry for the fool who believes a single word that idiot has to say. Hell tell you hes fucked every model and rubbed elbows with every big wig in the industry from here to the end of the earth but its all lies. Fuck ******* ****! ******* **** is a liar, a thief, and bastard. I wont bash his quality of his work, but i will say that if hes telling you about an original piece he did, chances are hes tattooed that same piece on a dozen other people. ******* **** doesnt care about proper sterilization, professionalism, or what you may want for a tattoo. He is only comcerned about his ideas and his penis. Fuck ******* ****!
Yeah, fuck that guy!
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