21 Staples

I changed my dressing today and everything looks really good. There's no bleeding and no oozing or anything unpleasant like that, and while there is some swelling and heat, I think it's well inside reasonable limits. I've been walking, exercising a bit, went for a drive (before I took painkillers of course), and have been pushing my limits as much as I can to ensure a fast recovery. I don't want to go through a long one like last time because it was a miserable experience.

Given that over the past few weeks there's been various dramas that have distilled for me who my real friends are and who aren't, at least knowing that my physical constitution seems extremely resilient makes me feel much better. Who knows, maybe all the personal stress puts me into some sort of “fight mode” where my immune system is all amped up…

My nephew (I think he's still four but he might be five now) just fell off the trampoline we got him as a present couple years ago and broke his arm so I think I'll draw him a nice little get well card and send it his way, although he may come and visit later in the week which would be nice.
Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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