Rainbows are a good omen

So a couple people said to me that I'm getting too old or too sick to handle the nitty gritty work of BME and that I should retire or take a break. No way! Outside of anything else, pain is what powers me! Anyway, in part because of all the time he took off to manage BMEfest, Phil had fallen a bit behind on image submissions, so I decided to help get caught up… and I processed about five thousand emails on Sunday and then a couple thousand more on Monday… So it's good to know (it really did make me feel good to know my brain still twitches fast) that I can still do it — and if Phil ever gets hit by a truck while on a crazy unicycle adventure all is not lost.

The bar on the corner is closing after 52 years! I took that rainbow photo as we had god knows how many pitchers last night (is Michael a bad influence on me, or is it the reverse?) — if my stomach is any indication, it was a lot, and the fact that I woke up at 5 AM lying in the basement, not entirely sure why I was there, backs up that binge-drinking theory. The good news is that over the last two months I've managed to pretty much totally quit drugs! Anyway, the cook has had the same job at Joe Mercurys for half of that period… I can't imagine how scary it would be looking for work after being a minimum wage cook for one's whole life. Although I guess it's less scary than looking for a job after a lifetime of being a high paid union metal stamper or something because the stakes (that is, the mortgage commitments) are higher.

There's another big update getting posted shortly, and then I'll start another one with a few thousand more, and tomorrow morning I'll do a few more hours before Phil takes over in our crazy image processing relay race — the goal is to get caught up so that images get posted within a day or two of submission, so you won't have to wait — after all, what is the internet for, if not instant gratification…?

After that I've got a mountain of great stuff for ModBlog so probably by about noon tomorrow that'll be all fired up again, and I'll try and queue enough that it'll last through my surgical downtime as well.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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