About two weeks ago I fell and landed on a corner of concrete (basically I fell out of a raised garage door/loading bay) with this concrete edge being struck with all my weight on my right fibula (ie. the littler bone in your lower leg). Even though I was wrapped up in a double tensor bandage, when I took it off later that day I discovered that the force of the fall had cut me through the bandage.
Anyway, that part of my leg has nerve damage, so I couldn't feel the injury specifically (the lower leg largely doesn't register touch and is in a semi-permanent phantom pain state) so it was hard to gauge its severity. It's pretty raised up, and there's a large mass under the surface that appears to be as hard as (as well as attached to) the bone. I kind of feel like it's a minor greenstick fracture (or whatever the right name a partial break is in adults) so I'm thinking I should have it x-rayed. Even though I don't have any feeling in it, if I touch the area much I feel really sick for the next little while.
It's probably all in my head (or maybe I just like getting x-rays)… But it wouldn't be the first time I ignored a broken bone and didn't bother treating it!

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