Sorry if there are typos and errors in this entry.
I'm sure it's all amplified by major stress and the terrible sweltering weather, but wow… I'm maxxed out on painkillers, added tranquilizers, alcohol (in the hopes that it'll amplify the effects), and a couple other things and my leg is still insanely painful — mostly in the lower leg, which makes me crazy because that's a complication from the biopsy, not from the tumor directly. When I got to the gym earlier today I skipped doing a warmup on the elliptical because I could feel the tendon popping over the tumor on every step. Ouch. Dunno what's up with that.

My sister is teaching yoga in Toronto now… Maybe that would be a better solution to my problems.
Well, until then, I think I'll load up with a few more narcotics (don't worry — I am very aware of what's safe and what's not) and hope I can knock myself out. I really want to get out of the city. This heat combined with all the smog, stench from street repair, and general overpopulation reeks of poison and makes me very unhappy.
Other than that I was asked to orchestrate a hit in the Middle East today. Unfortunately (it's a good cause — I won't give the details, but it would be doing the world a service I think) I am simply not that well connected, nor am I willing to go do it myself! Seriously though, I do think that one of the things that keeps me from going truly suicidal during this physically unpleasant period is that as stressful as my life is, it is extremely interesting and amusing most of the time!
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