Flying Gecko
I had a really nice day today… For the morning I played with Nefarious and we did some outdoor painting (have to get her prepped for graffiti!) and so on, and then I went out with a friend for lunch while Jon taught Nefarious how to cast (as in fishing) and I went book shopping (mostly stuff on atypical home construction), and watched the Survivor finale. Crazy pain these days — I'm going to try and get in at a pain clinic because if not I'm going to snap and chop off my leg with an axe and I think that would be premature — but other than that I'm feeling pretty good.
Of course, I am muting the pain today with 175 proof Rum, care of Clive.
Anyway, here's some of the painting that Nefarious and I did today.
I'll try and post some pictures of my new painting tomorrow. I really want to try and get enough material put together by the end of the summer to do a gallery show. Part of me thinks I'm ready, and part of me thinks I just want to do it before I die (not that I'm dying, but death is always around the corner you know), but really, it's something I want to do and I think I've finally got the confidence to do…
PS. My friend and trainer Daniel just joined IAM! He's who helped me drop, oh, about sixty pounds of fat in the last half year and put on lots of muscle. He's a really nice guy with a good overall sense for body modification both aesthetically and functionally… So if any of you are looking for a date to ModProm, message him, because he's new here!
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