Through some miracle I've kept this place relatively clean until now in terms of things that are not going to be too much of a pain to deal with before the end of my lease. Today though I had a can of paint explode in my hand and it blew a whole bunch of polymer and pigment onto my wall and floor. I cleaned it up as best I could but now I am definitely going to have to paint that wall.

I still have no idea what I'm going to paint on that canvas. I'm still just building up a background. The explosion also damaged the painting next to it (a painting for a friend), but I don't think it will be a big deal to fix because this particular polymer mix peels very easily (so I'm not worried about the floor either).
Still, a big pain in the ass. Maybe someone will feel like trading fixing the paint job on the walls for a painting from me or something. I should probably stick to chalk. Far less destructive, and at least it only takes rain to clean that up.

Well, most of my day was great.
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