I do not think that my appointment today was very productive. I hate going to the doctor for crap like this that isn't obviously visible, because I feel like I'm just there to convince them that I'm not lying or something. So I always leave really upset and without a lot accomplished. Since I have a drug record no one wants to prescribe me narcotics stronger than codeine, which only lasts about four hours, so it doesn't really do a whole lot for sleep.
Seriously, some days it's really hard to not just shoot myself in the leg. At least if I shot it off it would be dealt with and I wouldn't have to convince any doctors that it hurts. I am very, very sick of this particular adventure and want it to be over as soon as possible.
When I was a kid, one of our neighbors (if I remember right) got an infection in his toe — like a hang-nail or something — that he left untreated until it was a very nasty abscess. For some reason instead of just going to the doctor, he stuffed the wound with gunpowder and blew off the end of his foot in an attempt to do a DIY cure (or at least “conclusion”). Seems to me he probably caused a much bigger problem in eliminating the minor problem, but on a subjective level I completely understand why he did it.
In more pleasant news I think this photo I took on the way home turned out well.

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