I read this morning that the government is taking the 5th in this recent manipulation-of-justice case. So if I understand it right, they're saying “yeah, we broke the law, but you have no right to the records, and the US Constitution protects us from having to tell you”. Not that this is unique or the only example, but basically the government is using the Constitution to act criminally and undemocratically against the US people? It's one thing when the government says that they discuss their actions under oath or in public, but when they just give up and say “yeah, we're criminals… what are you going to do about it — we're the government,”.
There's one thing and one thing only that protects the people against the US government (or those that control it) falling back on the Fifth Amendment — and that's the Second Amendment. Don't believe me? This hilariously scored video repeats the claim.
Other than that I watched Thin Red Line while I worked this morning… Great movie, but it always makes me want to “get out” of this world to a more noble way of living (I'm talking about the islanders, not about wanting to join the Legion). I wonder though whether concepts like “noble” or “honor” are just facets of narcissism and the idea that what we believe is more likely to be correct than the beliefs of others… Either way, that's how it makes me feel.
Maybe all men got one big soul
who everybody's a part of.
All faces of the same man.
One big self.
Everyone looking for salvation by himself.
Each like a coal
drawn from the fire.
I don't think it's war that turns people bad, because I don't believe that “war” is a natural state, so it can't be a “cause” on its own. In my opinion it's greed and ego driving almost all conflict, both large and small… And right now we live in a culture that really emphasizes the value of both of those things, and I worry that the conclusion will be very unpleasant for those that choose to stay on that path. Not that I have a solution other than “stop fighting about stuff that doesn't matter”.
I mean, I like driving a gas guzzling car and all, and I like occasionally playing the spectacle, but really, what do we need? Neither of those things certainly. I want clean water, good food, shelter from the storms, and love. Anything on top of that is icing I figure.

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