Mentally vindicated!

Since mid-yesterday I've had the feeling that my left foot is being sawed off at the ankle, horizontally, about 3/4″ from the ground. It was strange, because I was just sitting here and all of a sudden it started. I thought I'd been bitten by an insect or something so I grabbed my foot to see but there was nothing on the surface, even though I could feel the skin tearing open. It was (and continues to be) very strange, because I keep looking at it, expecting it to be all messed up or at least an open sore or something, but it's totally healthy skin. What's even weirder is that there's nothing wrong with that leg in general (ie. so there's no chance that the nerves were damaged by surgery). So who knows why it's happening.

But anyway, as I'm wrapping up at the gym and I start feeling a similar pain in my left hand. I have fifteen minutes of chin-ups and lifts and pushups remaining to wrap up, and it was crazy painful, but I looked at my hand a couple times and it looked fine so I figured I was probably imagining it too. When I got out of the shower though (which makes skin more translucent), I noticed that the spot that hurt actually was bruised. So I feel a little mentally vindicated about that.

Anyway, I'm glad I didn't quit because I hate quitting, but at the same time, I'm also really glad that I wasn't making it up. Not that it's much of an injury or even an injury (yeah, I know some people are saying “um, where is it?”), but I'm just happy it wasn't my imagination.

Oh, and for those that are interested, here's everyone who's posted a time of over 1:30 in my little apnea forum (more). The reason I chose 1:30 (arbitrarily) is I figure 1:30 – 2:30 minute breathholds are pretty safe but do force you to use some amount of mental self control to achieve it.

3:30 Nicko
3:26 mrpumpernickel
3:03 sourbunions
2:27 BruisedandBroken
2:21 mcsatan
2:15 glider (me)
2:15 Holy Flesh
2:14 AnotherHole
2:14 Saevio
2:09 Antischism
2:09 x31337x
2:08 redneckzombi
2:02 kyo
2:02 nekokichi
2:01 MrJaxon
2:00 bena
2:00 pelirojo
1:58 SorryNoRemorse
1:57 jezebel
1:56 Kittie
1:55 Sarge
1:53 bodmodBetty
1:52 DayOldHate
1:51 blinded_by_fire
1:48 decorouscorruption
1:47 gone
1:47 starspring
1:43 FrinkLemur
1:43 Sacred
1:41 Suziwan
1:41 The Fog
1:38 CJ
1:38 dee
1:37 Phantazm
1:37 taryn
1:37 zusanna
1:36 ItchyStitches
1:36 Toolie
1:35 original_sly
1:34 DIY'r
1:33 MajikMan
1:32 kwaaque
1:32 oniana
1:31 jasonthe29th
1:31 JP Gagnon
1:31 Michael.Blackmon
1:31 Wonderland

PS. online stopwatch

Anyway, give it a try. What's the worst that could happen?

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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