Hahaha! Brilliant!

So I was talking to Ed a few minutes ago and among other things we talked about the DNS fiasco that took various BME sites offline… He mentioned that he was surprised and pleased to see that “Mini IAM” was still up and running. I was like, “what's mini IAM?” and he reminded me that it was a temporary system that had been put up during one of IAM's longer downtime. He also mentioned that Bizzach had also logged in and updated their page as well — they were the only two with quick-witted enough long term memory to give it a try!

Unfortunately I had to take the login system offline because of a security issue so I can't link it right now. It's a really simple issue so I'll fix it and put it back online shortly, but I did take a snapshot of their pages (and yes, Bizzach, you win the award) before I turned it off.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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