So I got some messed up medical news (and that's the end of that story because I'm tired of this being complain-o-blog) so I smashed into a bunch of stuff with my truck, which was a lot of fun. I also made a new stencil. This is just a mockup photo. Feel free to knock it off if you like it (to get the size right for the signs in your area, just go up to a sign with a ruler and take a bunch of pictures of you holding the ruler up against it so you can get your stencil scaled correctly). Please send me a picure if you do it.

Edit: In hindsight, I think it would make more sense if it said “cherries” or “pacman” or something that's dangerous to ghosts… But you could make a ghost one that fit over the parking “allowed” signs too…
Other than that, I ordered some cool gear from Phidgets today, and Jon and I are making good progress on some experimental servers for new features on BME… Anyway, I think I'm going to go make some supper (ack, it's late!) and prep tomorrow's edition of ModBlog's education column now.

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