My cellphone takes bad pictures, sorry

You know, if I was an American I'd find headlines like the oft-repeated “is America ready for a black president” and so on extremely offensive… It's insulting, because it implies that America is so racist and backwards that the average person can't see beyond the color of someone's skin. Of course, with the black community insisting that he's not really black on account of his American family being slaveowners rather than slaves, who knows.

And if I was a dog or a cat, I'd be very creeped out by these chocolate animals. They're really disturbing, especially their bizarro eyes and real cloth handkerchief. If I was a child and I was forced to eat this I would be very upset I think.

Other than that I cut off my hair.

I think it makes me look a little deranged, but I'm not sure, on account of actually being deranged.
Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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