Out of focus

Today I added many more bruises to my current collection. We went sledding again this morning and there was a father there with his two boys. He was too cold — hadn't prepared for the weather — so he curled up in a ball inside one of the playsets (quite funny) and the four of us that didn't mind the cold traded sleds around and had races. I love winter!

Other than that I did a little more painting. I'll likely fill in the rest of the background tomorrow and then start doing some work on inking it on Tuesday if I can. When it's more complete I'll post a non-blurry photo of it; there's just not much to show until the linework is on because it's kind of “blobby” until then.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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