So start that company already!

I was reading this “top ten ways you know you're an entrepreneur” list, and I was thinking that everyone (except people with a really low or unambitious self-image) would walk away from the list with the impression that they might be. That said, everyone might be so I guess that's fair, but then what's the point in the list in the first place?

The problem with the list is that it leaves out what you really need to be an entrepreneur — fairly relentless drive and almost pathological faith in yourself or your project (the willingness to do unlikely things because you so believe you can help make them happen) I'm saying “yes” to everything on that guy's top ten list, but I don't really feel that I'm an entrepreneur, because I have zero sense for business or corporate management… I really feel like I'm more someone who just likes making things — for example, if I finish my breakfast before Nefarious (um, always pretty much), I doodle pictures to amuse myself and her. That kind of sums me up.

That's her on the right, refusing to eat, and on the left is a doodle that half way through (which is why the eyes are not adult sized in relation to the skull size) she asked me to change to “Captain Jon Cárron” (Jon, but with a new last name for some unknown reason)… I think I need to start doing more life drawing. I'm pretty sure dogs, smart dogs anyway, might be able to draw better than me if a really smart vet gave them thumbs.

That's not a joke, I have a lot of respect for dogs.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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