First of all, I've been neglecting Shawn, who's got this amazing t-shirt drawn by Wayde Dunn (brilliant scarification artist) for sale only for the next few days to help cover costs for Scar Wars, an important and groundbreaking event that he created and runs. Click the picture to jump to his page.

Anyway, on to the real entry…
My RAZR's screen died again. This is the second RAZR to break for me, but at least this one lasted longer… oh… maybe nine months or so. I have dropped it lots of times, but the display actually shorted out just from opening it (straw that broke the camel's back I guess). The phone still works, but since I can't see the display, calling people is a big pain in the ass! So if you want to talk to me, call me and don't wait for my call!

I plan on making all of the textual information (experiences, etc.) on BME/HARD and BME/extreme free. I hope I'm not making a financial mistake (since the members section of BME is what makes the rest of it all possible), but I really believe that people need to have easy access to those stories before they do a DIY procedure and take photos, and I think so some extent it runs counter to BME's philosophy of education and documentation for the public good to keep those stories behind a lock if I don't have to! That said, if anyone thinks I'm making a mistake with this decision, please let me know ASAP.

- Nefarious
- Current Girlfriend
- Art
- Family/Friends
- Getting a New Girlfriend
And the sad truth is that you can ask any of my past girlfriends and they'd probably give you a similar list (but they would leave out #6 since that only applies if I'm single). Don't get me wrong, I'd rather not be single, but I really hope I am not giving the impression that I'm just sitting here whining about it. As someone recently commented, the trouble with posting all these beautiful girls is that you don't know them. Hahaha, true. Oh yeah, and to keep this entry from being too male hetero: BMEboys.
See, what I really need (and I think what really needs me in return) is a smart girl that's a good driver and has a good head for new business ventures, taste in art, and as many technical skills as possible. Oh wait, I pretty much had that, messed it up. Oooooooops… Now I'm left with the possibility that I meet someone who can't drive and they wreck my car!
I finally took a set of photos that I got from Jerome to be framed. It's pretty expensive getting stuff framed! Or maybe I'm just cheap. Anyway, while I was there I also asked what it would cost to have some of my paintings framed. To build something like the last frame I made (basically a 4'x4' square made of two by fours, painted black) would cost $450 to $1500 depending on my choice of materials.
One painting.
That's ridiculous — for that price I could buy a nice table saw to do the corner cuts, and a router to give the moulding I create form. It's insane. I never understand why people routinely have others do things they can do better themselves. I understand taking a load off every once in a while, like having help with chores, going out to supper occasionally even if you can cook better than the restaurant's chef, and so on, but I know for me, if I have to choose between buying an overpriced meal, or a stove and some raw food, I'll buy the latter every time.
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