OK, a medical update… I got my staples taken out (I kind of wish I'd just done it myself), and I guess everything is alright in terms of what's happened so far. My main surgery is tentatively in March, although it's still going to be a week before I have the final results that let me know whether it's a dangerous core of malignant cells, or whether it's just a basically big hunk of bone. The preliminary results, as expect, suggest the latter. If I remember right, the doctor said I probably tore the muscle, a hematoma formed which went through a process of ossification and eventually attached itself to the tibia as a big bone tumor. That's good because it means that it can just be cut off without having to cut away part of the tibia, so I'll be nearly as mobile after that surgery as I was after this last one.

I'll have to sketch it out…
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