Night swimming is awesome

Here's a (prettied up) photo that Valon took of me when we went swimming at midnight on Winter Solstice. I want to do another night swim on New Years (but probably earlier than midnight — I'm thinking around eight or nine in the evening, before the night's other activities), since I think you're legally allowed to have fireworks for New Year's… I'd love to winter night swim under close proximity fireworks or even under the light of an aerial flare.

That reminds me, I had a dream last night about swimming… I don't remember anything other than there was a huge turtle in the water with me (I used to swim with turtles as a kid).

Other than that, I smoked a little pot wrote a little bot (Phil's cursing it right now, I know it) that's searching out submissions that slipped through the cracks, about five years back… it turns out that sometimes a bot would crash and leave an image or two or two hundred unprocessed, so I've managed to find around 2,000 unprocessed pictures from the last few years. So anyway, if you get email about an old submission, that's why.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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