

Thanks to Phil and Roo and loads of reviewers, BME is updated with lots of experiences and pictures, and BMEvideo has been updated as well both with new content and remastered old content.

So Nefarious's school has an incubator where they recently hatched some chicks, which I guess will spend the year being the school “pets”. I don't tihnk that they plan on keeping them indefinitely, so I've been wondering what they will actually do with them at the end of the year when no one is left at the school to care for them.

My strong feeling is that they should butcher them so the kids see the process of where chicken meat comes from — I actually think it may send an irresponsible message about the value of life if they don't*. Killing and preparing chicken is a fairly simple process, and depending on the method you use for killing (twisting the neck, bleeding it out, or just chopping the head off), it isn't particularly gory… And then they should have a BBQ with the fresh meat!

* What's worse — killing and confinement for entertainment, or for sustenance?

I know it's an old cliche that's been written over and over but I wholeheartedly agree that if you can't accept death like this you have no right to consume another life. Speaking of consuming another life, I was really taken by what UFC heavyweight champion Tim Sylvia said about the experience of knocking someone out — he described it as taking fifteen seconds of someone's life. Fifteen seconds that you own, that they will never remember and never get back.

The reason I found it interesting is that when you start framing competitive sports in the guise of the victor consuming the life of the defeated even symbolically or temporarily, it becomes a magickal act, a ritual involving the transfer of energy from one person to another, as well as simply a physical test.

(Original forum unavailable, sorry)*

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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