Paintings Hung…

First, sorry for the temporary downtime. I'm looking into it now.

OK, last entry for today. The two paintings on the right are drawn by Nefarious but painted by me. I think I've posted them before. The painting on the left was to a large degree painted by Nefarious. I started it and she finished it.

I made the decision that any time I'm not happy with the way a painting is turning out, I'm just going to let her take over. To be perfectly honest, it seems to turn out better when I do that anyway! The white whale of a painting below (it's 3d — the paint comes out about an inch and a half) isn't getting better as I work on it so I think tomorrow after school, it will change hands.

I've done a series of simple, childish paintings lately, and I'm getting bored of it so I think next I'm going to paint some portraits, or maybe some pictures that I like from ModBlog as practice.
Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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