Kerry needs a time machine

What good does it do to grow balls years too late? Seriously. This is as bad as the media finally criticizing aggressive (and ultimately self-destructive) militarism, only now, when it's so blatantly obvious even the uninformed public agrees, even though none of the facts have changed or even become more obvious…

Politicians and media have a responsibility to lead and to inform, rather than simply being windvanes to what they think their constituents believe. Seriously, this “get elected” way of thinking versus “do the right thing” way of thinking is extremely short-sighted, and I think really shows you the result of a lazy democracy. Maybe democracy in general is a good system, I don't know, but lazy democracy is probably the worst system, because it causes people to become completely oppressed by their own apathy, and by the time they realize it, they are so deeply imprisoned that nothing but a bloodbath of a revolution can free them from their self-imposed chains.

But I think people feel it. School shootings, which are becoming more and more common, are unguided knee-jerk reactions to an environment that systematically breaks down, dehumanizes, and enslaves its communities… Eventually kids are going to realize that gunning down their comrades — friend or bully — plays into the hands of their masters by weakening those who should be their allies, and they'll we'll see what happens next…

(Original forum unavailable, sorry)*

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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