OK, it totally mortifies me to post pictures like this, so I really appreciate people not saying mean stuff. I know I'm in bad shape, but I'm working to change that… To try and track how I'm doing I've been taking pictures regularly — at the beginning, after a month at the gym, and in this entry, about two months at the gym. A lot of the changes you can't see because they're transformations of layers of fat into layers of muscle. I'm pretty happy so far. I really hope that people understand that if I can do it after so much inactivity and sloth corroding me, you can do it too.

It's funny, I know I'm writing about stuff that most people did when they were in highschool or younger, but other than judo my physical activity at that age was all farmwork… So I'm pretty much totally unfamiliar with what's inside a gym… Today I used a speed bag for the first time in my life which was a lot of fun. Other than that, we've been doing more coordination work, and I've been trying to really focus on controlling my motions precisely, which is also helping me understand how and why I compensate for my knee in a lot of actions.

Oh, and the curse of the stairs in this house finally caught up to me, and like Jon not long after we moved in, I took a tumble and feel like I broke my toe as well! Hahaha, not a big deal… I was hanging up some paintings and slipped while I was doing it. But it's good to get those paintings on the wall, because having a stack of paintings leaning up against my bookshelf was depressing.
Oh yeah, and I guess BMEfest 2005 (Mexico) was on the Discovery Channel today… As far as I can tell the show didn't air here in Canada — if anyone was able to record/capture it, drop me a line because I'd love to see it. Aparently there is some funny footage of me sunburned in a big straw hat or something…
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