CHRY show / fundraising

Later tonight, between 11PM and 2AM EST, I'll be cohosting Saira's Superfly Show on CHRY 105.5FM community/college radio. I used to host the Dilaudid Glide show there years and years ago, which is where the name “glider” comes from by the way. Anyway, it's fundraising right now, so that's part of the reason I'm headed up to help.

Here's a couple of the give-aways they have this year…

“Watts Up” because CHRY was approved this year for a bigger transmitter.

Anyway, because it's Halloween, I have a Halloween-themed set all ready to go… You can listen online by clicking here (but we'll be on between 11PM and 2AM EST tonight; until then is a wide range of community programming). If you are able to donate, it's definitely appreciated — this is one of the last two (I think) open format shows left on CHRY, so please put “For the SUPERFLY SHOW” in the comments section so CHRY knows that people still think open format radio is important.

(Original forum unavailable, sorry)*
Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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