So on the weekends I hang out at the various parks of Toronto. One of the interesting things I've noticed lately is that English is no longer the dominant language for kids here… The most common language these days is — quite surprisingly — French. I don't know if that's because French immersion is so common, or if it's because Toronto has a lot of “immigrants” from Quebec. I'm very happy about it — if Nefarious's generation truly embraces Canada as a bilingual nation, it can only be a good thing. My generation is far too monolingual.
Anyway, English is definitely the number two language for little kids at the park, but also at the park today Nefarious played with a Spanish speaking kid and a Croatian kid, and of course there were a variety of kids speaking Asian languages that I don't want to misidentify because I can't recognize them specifically most of the time. So we built a Camp Gitmo in the sandbox for those kids, just to be safe.

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