Or does that only apply to reptiles?
So I've been doing a not-entirely-on-purpose experiment with my “garden” (a bunch of planters on the porch)… Because I'm pretty terrible at reliably watering or otherwise caring for the plants, I've been learning which plants are bullet proof and which aren't… Celery and strawberries for example appear to be unkillable, heh.

I feel like when I comment on this, I'm either preaching to the choir, or talking to people who won't see it until it's far too late, but I think we could be within twenty years — maybe less, maybe more… but not much more — of a complete environmental collapse. I would be very, very shocked if within the next hundred years we don't see the world's population drop (without our “consent”) to ten percent of what it is now through a combination of megaplague and environmental changes that make much of the planet both unlivable and incapable of continuing to produce resources for humans.

Other than that, I've been asked to be on a gameshow where different groups of people are pitted against each other in various IQ-related tests. I want to do it, but at the same time, I'm terrified of looking stupid on TV. I don't mind looking weird on TV (been there, done that), but I definitely don't want to look dumb.
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