A day goes here

I stayed up way too late last night (great UFC event, one of the best in a while)… I'm barely awake right now I think. I'm definitely making it an early night today. Anyway, let me share some photos from the last day very quickly.

Yeah, I just take random pictures of the sky fairly regularly. This is when I was picking up Phil at his place last night.

“Community Vehicular Reclamation Project” by the streets are for people group.

At dinner with Phil, Marcel, Jaques (who's currently learning English but was still very nice company), and Skip who took the picture.

Above are various pictures of mushrooms on the walk to the park from my house. They're everywhere right now because of the weather. If the ground and air were cleaner they'd be edible (and there were lots of tasty but polluted looking puffballs). None were magic. And in the picture on the right is Luke (the boy with the blonde hair) playing with Nefarious (they met at the park).

Oh yeah, and because I'm a “try anything (at least) once” guy, I had horse for supper last night. I didn't even know it was served in Toronto until recently (we ate at La Palette; we were going to eat at Batifole but they were full), and didn't know that this was one of the places that did until Phil mentioned it. I eat so little meat like this that honestly, if I'd been told it was beef, I wouldn't have been able to tell the difference. The grill came with (in my case anyway) wild boar and caribou as well. The wild boar just tasted like pork, but the caribou was great.

Anyway… I'm going to try and do a little more editing on the new book. I've moved all the interviews to this computer so that I can slip in work on them whenever I can squeeze in a spare moment.

(Original forum unavailable, sorry)*
Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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