Any eye doctors reading this?

So I have three major modifications that I've been wanting consistently for five years or more (which I think for modifications so extreme is a reasonable period of time to think about it) but haven't got around to doing yet. You can see two of them in this (not very well mocked up, just woke up) photo.

First I want to colour the whites of my eyes a blue-green colour to match my irises, completely covering the white. All of my research in both the popular press that documented it when it was popular in the past, and the medical literature (because tattooing can be done to correct defects in the eye) suggests it's safe. I've even had doctors tell me they believe it's safe. Now it's a matter of finding one willing to take on the liability issues and try it. So if you're an eye doctor reading this, and would be willing to try it, I'm willing to travel anywhere in the world to have this done. Please contact me!

The second visible modification that I've wanted for a long, long time is the removal of my anti-tragus and part of the inner conch. I don't wear jewelry in my lobes anyway (I don't think it would be comfortable to wear jewelry after such a cut), and I prefer the look… I have no idea if anyone else on this continent agrees, but to me a removed anti-tragus and big lobes looks very “distinguished” and feels right as I age.

(Original forum unavailable, sorry)*
Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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