
So as I'm driving home this morning, I'm stopped behind a cab (the left car in the picture below), which was stopped next to the station wagon (on the right). A rather large woman flagged the cab and walked over to get in. I could already see she wasn't going to fit, and the guy in the station wagon was watching her nervously as she squeezed between the cars. She opened the door hard, right into him (denting or chipping his door) and he glared at her shaking his head angrily as the cab took off… It was pretty funny.

Other than that, I should hear back from the printer today and find out whether a ModCon reprint is an option or not (I still want to do a low res free release of the book as a download — my singular goal here is to make sure as many people have access to the book in whatever form they want as possible), and I'm transferring all of my interviews from the main BME computer (which is always in use) to my laptop so I can actually start prepping them in final form for the new book.
Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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