Eight months before I can leave the city?

You know, I really like sitting by the railroad tracks. It's probably really unhealthy, but I like the smell of the oil on the rocks, the trees and bushes and weeds that border it, and even just watching the trains go by and watching the people walk across the bridge.

It's the closest to feeling away from the city within a walk of here… And it's not so much outside the city, but a swath cut through the city that feels like it may one day soon be reclaimed by nature. If I was a New Yorker, I'd be a friend of the High Line.

I'm not obsessive compulsive or anything, but for some reason lately whenever I hear some little melody on TV I feel like learning it. So thanks to Trailer Park Boys I can play Closer to the Heart and thanks to the Louisiana episode of Wild Boys I can play Dueling Banjos. Not that either of those is even vaguely hard to play, but that's good, because I can barely play.

Anyway… I'm just biding my time right now until I can find myself a nice piece of land up North a little. I'd love a nice rocky property on the Canadian shield with deep winters and crisp summers. Time's ticking away, and I don't want to fritter it all away here in the city. I think I'm going to carve giant stone heads for fun just to fuck with the future.

I figure that I'm a little too amok for city life anyway.

Well, time to finish off editing an interview…

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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