Censorship Continues

So thanks to idiotic companies like mailpolice, which many ISPs outsource their blocklists to, customers of various ISPs (and you may not even know you're being blocked — here are some recently blocked domains: deltasix.org, ezaccess.net, uwclub.net, and literati.org) are unable to receive mail from BME because their ISP is actually blocking all mail they consider “adult”. They don't suggest anything else is wrong with BME, just that they don't like the content and they won't allow you to read it.

Big brother is like a vampire. You have to invite him in. Good going.

But seriously, if you're not getting your email from BME as expected, be sure that your ISP is not doing political blocking of entire domains due to content.

(Original forum unavailable, sorry)*
Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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