(Assuming your riding is having a by-election like mine)
So I just got back from voting (Survivor and UFC aren't the only voting I'll be enjoying today). I was right at the front of the line as always. I hope everyone else who's eligible today goes out and does the same. There's a sign on the front of my house, so I have no problem telling everyone who I voted for:

At Nefarious's school I heard some people complaining about the NDP not supporting the upper and middle classes enough, but you know what? As someone who does well for themselves, I say that's bullshit. Our only priority should be that the “lower class” (I hate these terms by the way), because that's ultimately where all of us can randomly end up, and it's the foundation our entire society is built upon. If and only if the least priveledged among us live fulfilled lives can we have any chance at universal happiness.
Or to put it in a more Vulcan form, the good of the many comes before the good of the one.
Luckily I think my neighbors agree, and with the Liberals pulling a lot of dirty tricks (going after Cheri because she admits she did acid when she was younger, spray painting “STUPID” on tons of NDP signs, canvassers openly harassing NDP members, etc.), I think there's a very good chance that this riding will swing left.

“It was funny, in those days all you needed to use the music in the film was the artist's permission. Times have sure changed. It's more expensive now to use found music than it is to make a school.”
That's unfortunate I think. But who knows — maybe things like MySpace music and the upsurge in independent music will take us back to a time where being an artist doesn't have to be backed by immense mountains of cash. Oh, and to pull it back to the election, a large part of the reason that the Liberals lost this riding is by taking (and hiding) bribes from Canada's versions of the RIAA.

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