So about two months ago I bought a Pinnacle 500-USB video capture device. I have a relatively full schedule, so sometimes I pick up hardware but don't have a chance to use it for some time. Anyway, I waited a bit over a month to finally install this device (so the return period was over, and I had already filed the receipt for my accountant anyway), and when I went to install it, I discovered that there was no serial number on the CD or on the product or included in the box.
First I went to a couple serialz type sites to see if I could quickly just find a number to drop in, but that didn't work… I went to the official Pinnacle support site, and I guess this is a common problem, because they have a set of FAQs specifically about missing serial numbers. To get a new serial number assigned, they say they need proof of purchase attached to the request email, so I used their “contact us” form, selected “missing serial number”, and included a picture of me holding the product, with links to my sites so they could confirm my identity if they needed to. When I hit submit, it told me something along the lines of “we're sorry, your answer has already been answered on this website.”
And that's it.
No instructions as to where this hidden cache of serial numbers might be hidden. So then I send the email again (and once manually), and attempt to not include any keywords that I think might get me spit back to the automated “your question is already answered” bullshit. I waited two weeks and received no reply from Pinnacle to any of my queries. Total ripoff.
So this morning I went into Future Shop (where I'd intially bought it), pulled one down off the shelf, opened the packaging, pulled out the serial number, and took a photo of it. Fuck Pinnacle. Requiring a software serial number to install hardware is total bullshit.

My apologies to whichever customer tries to install the product. I told the employees at the store what I was going to do as I was leaving, but they didn't care. I think someone's going to get sold a non-functioning product because I got assigned their flair, and I feel bad about that. If I ever have to do this again, I'm going to include a note in the product explaining that the serial number is invalid.
Or maybe they'll find this post when they do a Google search to try and find a serial number for Pinnacle Studio. I hope I didn't mess with the wrong yuppie.
please sent me serial no of pinnacle 10.5
i want a serial number for pinnacle studio 10.5
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