
Largely thanks to the insane popularity of the Wolverine post, as I write this ModBlog is serving about 2.6 million files a day, and consuming over two megabytes per second (about 200 gig of data every day, or 6 terabytes a month of transfer*) with spikes as high as four times that. And the number goes up every month… Oh, interesting point of trivia. BoingBoing's link had very little effect on my bandwidth, but wow, the South American sites put it over the top.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: the future of the net is in Brazilian Portuguese and Spanish. That said, I've got a secondary bet riding on Russian.

But anyway… Crazy traffic. I have to figure out some advertising revenue for that site! BME and IAM are still quite a bit larger, but I'm amazed at how much traffic ModBlog pushes these days. Sometimes I think about splitting it into an erotic and a non-erotic half, because then at least I could put google ads on half, but I'm not sure.

* Feel free to ask your ISP what they'd charge you for 6 terabytes of transfer on an adult site (this is important; rates are different). If the number seems high to you, please support BME with either pictures or a paid membership, because that's what lets me keep putting out ModBlog for free.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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