Time to unwind

I got a juicer. It's pretty awesome. I've been drinking huge amounts of fruit. In fact, I've completely replaced those stupid energy drinks with them because it's so much better tasting — and energizing! I've written about three thousand lines of string parsing code over the last few days… Most of it is pretty mind-numbing and tedius (and confusing because it handles soooo much data), and I can't begin to express what a pain in the ass it is to have to grep through mountains of US government data with constantly changing (with no apparent rhyme or reason) character sets.

Meh. Why am I working today? It's a holiday here (in Canada) today. My boss is an asshole for making me work today, seriously. Oh wait, I'm self employed. BME update tomorrow, but I'll probably do at least a small ModBlog post set later.
Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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