I have been staring at numbers and letters and doing mind-numbing computer assisted sorting of hundreds of thousands of records. I can actually feel my eyes vibrating (I assume they're muscle tremors or microseizures), and I have a weird sort of double vision. I don't think it's a drug side-effect, ha. Maybe I need to get some kind of large print old man monitor or something… So I think I'm going to bed without posting the experience update until tomorrow.

Or you can stare with bewilderment at the comments about Scarlett Johansson's septum piercing (which is old news anyway)… Sometimes I feel guilty when I use the term 'plainskin' in a derogatory manner, but maybe this would be an appropriate time (oh, and to be clear: the comments in that forum are the ones that the site deemed were not derogatory — the bad ones were deleted they claim). I don't know, maybe there's some kind of politeness or common decency bubble that surrounds (at least mostly) IAM and the friends I talk to here, but I'm just not used to seeing people behave like that.
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