OK, since it's Friday night and my inbox is flooding with more news of my wacky life, yes, Rachel and I are both in the new Clerks II movie. I am officially “ear guy” in the credits and she's I think “girl at counter with ear guy” or something. “Ear guy”… story of my life, summed up in two words, ha.
But seriously, the movie is really good and worth going to see — the whole theatre was laughing their heads off and all pointlessly clapped at the end — if you like outrageously vulgar humor (including, among other things, a relatively friendly depiction of man on donkey love) overlaid with a touching and sometimes serious romance tale. I have to admit it made me miss working at Stainless Studios, probably the only “real” (emphasis on the air quotes) job I've ever had, a lot. It's interesting how much more value a timeperiod can have to you in the present than it seemed to in the past.

Criminal use of cellphone by Phil.
Anyway, big thanks to Rachel for setting the whole thing up.
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