Updates come later in the day

Hey, check it out… Marisa is writing a Needled Roundup column for SuicideGirls. She's also part of the guest/co-blogging team that I'm setting up for ModBlog. If you want to guestblog from time to time on ModBlog, please contact me. Among other things I'm hoping that some interesting artists who can write and have a sense of humor join in on a “studio stories” category (even if you only have time to post something cool a couple times a month). Big plus if you're familiar with WordPress (not that it's hard to figure out if you've never used it).

The “positions” are unpaid (since ModBlog currently has no advertising), but if I add an income stream onto ModBlog, the money from that will be split among the writers based on some kind of fair analysis on comments on the articles, links to articles, and article views or something…

Oh yeah, and in terms of these doodles from my “shirt and/or sticker” drawer, the drawing on the left is too “video game militia” and the drawing on the right should have been done without the tattoos I think (bonus points to anyone who knows what it's based on). Meh.

Other than that, we went and picked up even more computer pieces today… I'd better figure out how to make some cool but non-profit projects start making money soon, as well as amp up some others to cover all these electronics, ha… Or else I might be able to build a primitive and drafty igloo out of old computers, but never afford to finish that dreamship earthship I keep going on about.

Well, now to make a phonecall about a pending bill before the businses day ends.

PS. The update may actually go up tomorrow.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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