Sorry (for my sake, not yours) about posting so incredibly late in the day. A piercing update has just been posted, and I've got a member's update with 1.5k images queued up for tomorrow. Thanks to everyone for helping out and sending in so many pictures!
I'm not sure yet what I'm doing this weekend; I was thinking about going to the Hot Rod Hootenanny. I thought that I'd done serious damage to the Porsche setting up BMEfest. I was backing it into the space to unload some stuff, and bottomed out on the entrace bump to a terrible crunching/grinding sound. I pulled out again, and didn't see anything broken but the next day the “check engine” light came on… Thankfully a battery disconnect to reset everything seems to have made it go away (so it was a temporary malfunction, which happens every once in a while), although it does smell of Trogdor* a little. I hope it's just some plastic on the exhaust or something.
Let's see… They made me take the ads off Under Mars but the ones on the kitcar site (even though I haven't updated much — but check out this crazy car) are doing alright so Google sent me another cheque for $220 and they owe me about that again in the current period! Does this mean I'm at least a semi-professional blogger now?

* of burnination that is.
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