I just got back from seeing a few friends at NIX (the Toronto tattoo convention; thanks to Tampon for getting me in) including my old (online, now real world) friend ShawnChoo all the way from Singapore! My weekend plans have gone a little bit into chaos, but with any luck I should be there at least briefly on Sunday, and maybe Rachel as well, and hopefully Phil will be there too to take some photos for BME.

You know, it's funny, one of the things I hate about having memory issues is that it's really hard for people, even people who've known you for a really long time to take them seriously… I guess the general concept is hard to grasp — how can someone who is high functioning on all levels mentally have no memory of a majority of what happens to them? Anyone who's had memory problems knows how to commit something through timed repetition, changing procedural knowledge to compensate, designing one's life around “rules” and modularized action blocks. Oh, and getting better at cold reading for all the people you either don't remember, or think you remember but have never met, ha.
But anyway, what I wanted to say is that if you ever have a conversation with me (no matter if we're old friends, new friends, or strangers), there is only a chance that I will remember it or anything else that happened that day. It's not on purpose, it's not personal, and it's certainly not a put-on or deception… It simply doesn't get recorded. It sucks too because if you don't remember what happened, there are situations where you have to completely take someone else's word for it (often it's not the answer you want to hear), so it puts you under immense stress in terms of how much you have to trust other people… Well… I'm not sure where any of this was going so I'm going to finish off this update.
Both the power control unit and the new server for some of the live BME functions will be installed this weekend, and with any luck you'll start seeing some really cool stuff soon. Oh, and as well as the WordPress plugin I mentioned earlier, I finally fixed the redirect problem for non-logged in users.
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