Reminder: We will be taking IAM offline this evening to move everything (well, your user files — diaries and forums mostly) to the new server. Tomorrow morning I'll give it a final round of testing (CT has already got it 99% working), and then it gets turned back on and growth and new feature development can re-begin.
Sorry to anyone who had problems accessing all the sites last night; apparently one of Cogent's main lines went out. Sheesh. Problem after problem. It sucks because it's made some of the updates this week and last a bit smaller than usual (so please, re-submit your pictures if you didn't see them post or there was in issue). Some people say the Internet is choking under unexpected types of usage…
Anyway, sorry to keep you updated with grody vaginal-esque photos of the inside of my mouth, but here's day four of my uvula piercing (I post them here because it's the easiest way for me to submit them to BME and write the captions and all that). It's doing fine, is barely sore, and my only worry continues to be keeping it clean. I've tried brushing it and scrubbing it with a q-tip but it moves around too much so I think I'm going to have to grab a clamp so I can hold it while I'm doing this. There's very little buildup so far but it's enough that it needs to be dealt with.

I'd definitely say that if you want this piercing you should not only be in 100% control of your gag reflex (I can make myself vomit or stop vomitting just by thinking about it), but perhaps more importantly, have good dental hygeine. It's weird, I was talking to a friend the other day and they thought it was eccentric that I flossed, and that my gums didn't bleed when I brushed my teeth. Seriously! Brushing and flossing is important if you want your teeth to last. My teeth are a bit smoke-yellow in tone and I have a few chips (mostly from various tongue modification experiments), but they're fairly healthy and my mouth is clean I think (and simply having this piercing makes me more conscious of drinking regular amounts of water and paying closerattention to my oral health).
Anyway, I feel a little better this morning (I felt messed up on Sunday night) but I think it might be because I took a Lorazepam to help me sleep (still woke up at 4AM) and it's still in my system a little so I'm calmer. Sometimes I wonder if I should write all my medical stuff here in this little blog, because I've seen all these articles about how potential employers, contacts, whatever, tend to do searches for your name in Google so anything you write about yourself can be used against you (to say nothing of the CIA using the mega-sites like MySpace to do aggressive “social mapping”)… But I figure anyone that would ever work with me would know that I'm a bit weird, and would hire me for my eccentricities and abilities to turn those into an advantage rather than keeping me from a job.
Or at least that's what I keep telling myself, ha…
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