So I'm just about done The Game, and seriously, it's a life altering book in terms of people watching… Just starting The 48 Laws of Power
as well and some other analogous books. When we were at the book store a girl kept making eye contact with me so I pulled her over to us and it was weird watching the dialog and body language and understanding how easy people are to control (and then do with as you please); they're like machines, just simple geneticly driven programs that if you really want to manipulate you can. Seriously, it's so bizarre seeing it in context.
(Note: I have no interest in being a PUA, I'm just fascinated by what makes people tick, and I think I need to write an article about peacocking being one of the primary driving forces behind body modification. So if you're a PUA that uses tattos or piercings as such, let me know so I can interview you either by name, alias, or anonymously if you prefer.)
Anyway, other than that we went and played a couple rounds of trivia at one of the Firkin pubs, went to HMV to pick up Metal – A Headbanger's Journey (and got recognized by the cashier which is always thrilling — narcissists are easy to please), and then bought some clothes (I think Saira got a dress and some pants, and I got a couple nice shirts and some boxers).

I think this looked funnier in person?
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