Thanks to Zolish (who also took the picture in the previous entry) for the shot of Muffe's armpit tattoo (see it in detail here — along with tons of other new posts at ModBlog). Anyway, the image update (with around 2,500 pictures added) is posted; enjoy! Thanks to everyone who helped out on it!
I just tried to download my phone pictures, but the ones I took yesterday weren't there for some reason! You may recall the Dial 138 (why 138?) cab sign I saw the other day… yesterday here in Toronto I saw two cabs with official numbers (like the ones the city assigns them) on them — first 666 and the second one 1337. But either I accidentally deleted the pictures or they never recorded.
I did do a little bit of painting at least!

And holy shit! As I wrote the word “spider”, a spider literally dropped out of the sky (well, ceiling) and onto my hand and went running up my computer screen. I wasn't sure if I should be freaked out, or enjoy megalomania and decide it's proof of my unlikely omnipotence (a la Unbreakable).

Earth Coincidence Control Centre, I love you for continuing to treat me well.
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