Today I went and saw Thank You For Not Smoking and if I'm guessing correctly, walked almost 30 miles today (about seven hours of walking around NYC), and had some good chirashi. On multiple recommendations we (sorry, old/bad picture) went and saw Thank You For Smoking this afternoon (very funny and highly recommended). Ended up getting soaked in the rain and delayed my plans for the later evening until tomorrow night, but all in all a really nice day.
Seeing so many old and dear friends has been exactly what I needed. Tomorrow I'm going to pick up presents to bring back to Canada for Jon and Nefarious, and then hopefully hook up with Evan in the evening to see his film. Anyway, I'm going to try and do a little work and then maybe watch The Hills Have Eyes on PPV. I haven't really been taking any pictures yet, but here's a random shot out my hotel window. I don't know what's going on, but I suspect it's lucky for him and me I didn't take the photo a few second later.

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