Original_Sly has been working on a New Zealand take on the BME logo. I've been helping redo the linework today while he's been doing amazing work on the entries like Moko, Ta Moko, Kirituhi, Tohunga-ta-moko, Maori, and so on. I'm thrilled with the wonderful work all the volunteer editors have been doing on the BME encyclopedia. I can't thank you guys enough.
Tomorrow Phil and I (assuming he's not doing Easter stuff) will knock out a big site update, and Jon and I are going to be working on some exciting site upgrades as well… I really feel very inspired about where BME is going right now and I can't thank all of you enough for continuing to support us and believe in us, and most of all being a part of this big extended family of people working hard to keep life special.

Other than that I've been talking to a lot of really cool girls here about the project mentioned in the previous two entries. I'm quite thrilled about the enthusiasm and think it's going to be very fun.
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