Scroll down if you'd like to read the funmail from AOL members… The first bunch of paragraphs are about my personal life and assorted musings. Oh, and supper is ready so I haven't proof read this. Bite me, grammbo nazis.
I was planning on sleeping in today (normally I do the “morning shift” here but Jon volunteered), but a phone call woke me up so I got up with Nefarious. I think we played a little and then were about to cook breakfast when we realized we were out of food! So off to the grocery store (with a truffle treat on the way out) and then a super breakfast of fresh fruit, berries, cheese, and yogurt. Then a bit more playing and her and Jon headed down to play by the river for a while.
When they got back, we headed out again to get a few DVDs — some street racing and brutal violence for Jon and I (we're thinking about having a UFC party on Friday — our TV is I think a 54″ HDTV), a Yoga DVD for Nefarious and I (she loves doing Yoga), Prince of Egypt (which I admit I probably enjoyed more than her), and a boxed set of IMAX nature films that we can put on while we're playing and drawing and so on… I also got a banjo DVD and it turned out that the girl at the checkout was a banjolin player so we had a nice chat.
You know, the one good thing about this marriage breaking up has been figuring out that it's actually really, really fun being a father… Before the break up we had a maid and one or two nannies depending on where we were. Now, that was great because I was able to do tons of work, Rachel and I could travel a lot, but honestly, now that it's just me and Jon and Nefarious, I spend a great deal of my day just playing with Nefarious and hanging out… If there are any young fathers reading this, please, don't make the same mistake as I did and avoid being a father as long as possible. It's one of my biggest regrets in life, and one that you can't rebuild if you take too long to realize what you're missing.
Other than that, I'm coming into my medications really well. It's actually pretty amazing. I've cut smoking pot down to almost nothing (maybe once or twice a week — I spent years smoking very heavily, and drinking heavily for those periods where I couldn't get it), I don't drink any more, I don't consume caffeine, and it's amazing — this combined with the very low level of psychiatric meds that I'm on has given me such a clear head in comparison to where I was at for the past few years. I still feel tired, but I don't feel muddled, and I don't feel like there's a haze over top of everything…
Oh, Jon and I (and I think Angela too) start Systema and other fighting artist either later this week or next week I think… It turns out that the Fighting Arts Collective Toronto is just around the corner from us! The also teach medieval weaponry (German longsword, mounted bow combat, and so on) so I'm pretty stoked about that as well. If anyone reading this would like to come and check it out with us drop one of us a line.

As you may know (and you can read back through the AOL member email entries if you'd like), I regularly get angry mail from AOL membership who get “AIM” and “IAM” completely confused and think I'm the guy they need to complain to. And for some strange reason, now I'm even getting complaints from MySpace users that think I can solve their TOS problems there. It's very strange.
For starters, a few people would like to see “keepinxgangster” kicked off the site for the following comment: “What group?!…im not GOTHIC…okay…its way better than being a skanky prep like you” You know, if that's the worst thing anyone has ever said to you, you're doing pretty good.
Someone (anonymously) is concerned that someone is going to tell on them so they preemptively inform me, “sanchezjldv said alot of crap about me and my sister so i said the same stuff about her just wanted you to know that it was both of us not just one of us” Oh, no worries. After all, two wrongs make a right. It's cool.
"soundsbymichael is posting my personal information on their screen name which is similar to mine. Please forward this to the FBI ."
Yeah, I'll get right on that. Expect the J. Edgars soon. You know, I really couldn't care less when I get email like that. Not that big a deal. Grow a thicker skin and block them. Big deal. But there is stuff like the message below that I find kind of upsetting that I wish I could do something about (but I can't, because they never even give me enough information to be able to forward it to AOL.
A boy with the above named screennames threatened my daughter Jasmine **** (****) to rape her, knowing where she lives and her grandparents, knowes her parents names and grandparents names, threatening her to be behind her. After gettin each threat, my daughter sent him a warning and he came back with the other screennames. My daughter is terrified! After a policereport, we where advised by police to delete Aim off our computer. I would like you to help me get this sick person for good of AIM, that he cannot do this to anybody else. Thank you, *** ***
unless your interested in cyber sex i suggest you just go die.
dont take that seriously
thats all you dumbfucks ever want anyway.
tiph89, babysnowflake9, BEASTMW17, blackhawksC5, Element4736
That's pretty fucked up that the police's response is "don't use the internet".
Name Therese Hobbies & Interests Sex, Sex, and mor sex! Plentie of vareity to hek with condums and to hek with bieng with the sam man! Tod sory... I spred my legs for the guy as soon as he walks in the dore, to heck with diner and a movee!
Favorite Gadgets that big yumy thing hanging betwene mens legs!
Occupation Macdonalds, I flip hamburgers! wooo hooo onle job I can get, I droped out of skool in 8th graid so edukashen is kynda low.
Personal Quote can nevur hav enuf sex frum men and women, men put it to ya gud and women lik it gud.
My name is Therese; sn Christangel1962. Patty (Packed4heaven) has created a sn close to mine.. sn Christangei1962 changing the l to a capital i. she is impersonating me..entering in the chatroom saying vulgar, obscene things.. she also has created the Profile below..
Location Florida
Gender Female
Marital Status Florida
You know what I'd like to know? What kind of moron guy is stupid enough to actually think this is a real profile? Because it's a pretty pathetic attempt at harassment... Advice: at least make it believable.
Oh, and this next person I guess is upset that AOL is punishing them for not getting in a three way?
"Bif n bf 4 bif" told me that she was looking to find a girl for her and her boyfriend and ask me to be apart of it and i dont want her to talk to me like that and she rported it to you and i cont get in to a chat because i dont want her
The idiocy just goes on and on... Why the hell is this worth reporting? What's the complaint? They spelled "bitch" wrong the first time? I mean, because I have no idea exactly what this person expects AOL to do with this fragment... The next one as well, totally out of context... What do people expect will happen? A big "so what" from me...
i got an idea for ya .. .
if your hung as well as most on line seem to be..
and your big "idea" is??????
go fuck yourself....
i didnt do shit to you bitvh
fuck you
and also to you
who the fuck are you
you imed me retard
go to hell
and who are you
i am your fucking daddy
not hardly
Eileenbongadu wrote me an email i didnt like. it say talk to your wife not us and sped more time with her for one thing i am not male i never was in the site she or he was talking about and i dont know this person so if u can deal with him or her i would appreciate it.
Wah, wah, wah, wah, fucking, wah. Seriously, if these people saw the sheer volume of hatemail and threats I've received over the last twelve years I'm pretty sure their heads would just explode Scanners-style. I don't think it's OK for people to be assholes, but I'd argue that there are probably a billion of them on the planet, so grow a spine and learn to shake them off.
One Comment
I love how whenever a person is pretending to be stupid to make another person look bad, they always make the writing 100x worse when they get to the part about how bad their “edukashen” is.
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