Toronto Zanta

I haven't spent much time in Toronto for the past year of course (and don't watch Breakfast TV), so I didn't get to know of David Zancai (“Toronto Zanta”) until recently. I was at King of Fools today (a friend was getting her first tattoo), so I decided to take a couple shots of his “act” for those outside of the city. Basically he walks up and down the street wearing shorts and a Santa hat (and today he was covered in marker tattoos) flexing and doing pushups obsessively and trying to get attention. The verdict is still out whether he's dangerous or harmless…

As I understand it, the basic story is that five years ago he fell a bit over twenty feet as a contractor, which put him out of work. During the process of healing, he got a bit nutty, became obsessed with fitness, and his wife, who claims he is manic depressive left him and took their kids. This was heartbreaking for him, so he created this “Zanta” character and has done everything he can to become a famous Toronto icon in the hope that his estranged kids will look up to him.

If the above strikes your fancy, you can hear an audio interview with Zanta or click here to watch Zanta the Movie… Crazy person or desperate father? Or both?
Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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