BME update, Shannon update


I've (or should I say Phil has) posted about 3,200 new pictures to BME in this week's image update. Experiences will follow tomorrow or Sunday. Thanks also to zedneckzombi for the cover photo of his cool clock jewelry custom made by him (so if you want a set, I guess he's the guy to talk to, although I have no idea if they're for sale or what they'd cost).

I also wanted to really thank everyone who has been sending me very kind notes and sharing their own stories over this past week. It has really helped me more than you can imagine. So let me update you as to how I am doing:

Last night I started on the clonazepam, which is supposed to help me sleep, as well as cutting down on my tremors and shaking (and of course anxiety control). I woke up at 4AM rather than 3AM… I guess that's a start. When I woke up I was kind of on that panic attack threshhold where you feel all tense and wired, but not quite to the point of actually having one — that's how I've felt most mornings lately. The first couple days I took an ativan to calm down, but I haven't done that in a few days now.

I'm pretty burned out by stress until about 10AM, but after that start to feel really level. I think though today that at least for the second half of the day I really felt pretty good, and was laughing and thinking normally… I still feel a little bit of that initial SSRI buzz (not a nice feeling), and definitely have plenty of down moments, but I can't begin to describe how much better I feel than I did a week ago… There's a long way to go, but there's definitely a light at the end of the tunnel.

Well, enjoy your weekend everyone. (Oh, and of course ModBlog is updated as well).

Oh, and I also wanted to repost this note from the IAM expat lounge since maybe someone reading this that doesn't monitor that forum is interested:

Does anyone want to come (or know anyone else) to the Caribbean to work in the offshore investing industry? The company I work for is looking for a Sr. Investment Dealer (for 3-5 years then move to become a managing director).

We're looking for: MBA/university degree in finance/accounting, entrepreneurial, self-motivated, high energy, successful track record managing staff, mature, strong accounting skills.

The person should also be extremely patient and would work best in the company if they're VERY career oriented (ie, don't come to the Caribbean because of the surf and sun — come here because there's lots of opportunity to make $$ if you're willing to put in the hours).

I'll also add to Gillian's note and say that living in the Carribbean isn't for everyone. It can get really boring, and there are race/class divisions that you may find rather unpleasant… But, you do get to live on a tropical island! You can read her page a little (or Clive's as well) to get an idea of what their live down there in the British Virgin Islands is like.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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